Detailed information of ARNT

Dataset summary

TF Name: ARNT Species: Homo sapiens
Cell-type/Tissue: 786O Condition/Source: hif2a
JASPAR ID: MA0004.1 Collections: Permissive
References: GEO GSE67237

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
BEM MACS MA0004.1 127 2024 98.6139 -1.2857625851258
PWM MACS MA0004.1 121 1924 88.6 -0.9758189443534
DNAshaped MACS MA0004.1 127 1644 0.99769 -0.0001513540219
DNAshaped MACS MA0004.1 127 1672 0.99748 -0.0009371428671
DNAshaped MACS MA0004.1 117 1641 0.99282 -0.0226612814975

4 datasets found for the same TF (ARNT) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
ARNT K562 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR155KHM MA0004.1
ARNT MCF7 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE41820 MA0004.1
ARNT T47D haegin2 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE59935 MA0004.1
ARNT 786O hif1a Permissive Homo sapiens GSE67237 MA0004.1