Detailed information of ESRRA

Dataset summary

TF Name: ESRRA Species: Homo sapiens
Cell-type/Tissue: SKBR3 Condition/Source: hrg
JASPAR ID: MA0592.2 Collections: Permissive
References: GEO GSE81651

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
BEM MACS MA0592.2 180 17864 99.9093 -11.575103182881
PWM MACS MA0592.2 226 19735 88.8 -9.7340083094829
DNAshaped MACS MA0592.2 226 22464 0.99613 -19.685712680417
DNAshaped MACS MA0592.2 226 22192 0.99503 -18.755631181741
DNAshaped MACS MA0592.2 184 17532 0.9854 -11.290118194469
TFFM MACS MA0592.2 200 14956 0.76501 -2.0221558607512

10 datasets found for the same TF (ESRRA) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
ESRRA GM12878 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000DYQ MA0592.2
ESRRA HEPG2 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000EEW MA0592.2
ESRRA A549 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR473SUA MA0592.2
ESRRA K562 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR486IFJ MA0592.2
ESRRA MCF7 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR954WVZ MA0592.2
ESRRA BT474 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE75876 MA0592.2
ESRRA BT474 aicar Permissive Homo sapiens GSE75876 MA0592.2
ESRRA BT474 egf Permissive Homo sapiens GSE81651 MA0592.2
ESRRA BT474 hrg Permissive Homo sapiens GSE81651 MA0592.2
ESRRA SKBR3 egf Permissive Homo sapiens GSE81651 MA0592.2