Detailed information of CREB1

Dataset summary

TF Name: CREB1 Species: Homo sapiens
Cell-type/Tissue: KG1 Condition/Source: dmso
JASPAR ID: MA0018.3 Collections: Permissive
References: GEO GSE74928

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
BEM MACS MA0018.3 79 164 99.9527 -23.291439461913
PWM MACS MA0018.3 79 215 91.3 -44.612560736269
DNAshaped MACS MA0018.3 83 223 0.99877 -48.562338348004
DNAshaped MACS MA0018.3 83 230 0.99905 -51.992300827225
DNAshaped MACS MA0018.3 85 211 0.99642 -41.950128176723
TFFM MACS MA0018.3 85 188 0.98056 -30.467640493131

15 datasets found for the same TF (CREB1) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
CREB1 A549 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BRA MA0018.3
CREB1 A549 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BRB MA0018.3
CREB1 A549 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BRC MA0018.3
CREB1 ESC h1 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BSN MA0018.3
CREB1 K562 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BSO MA0018.3
CREB1 GM12878 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BUF MA0018.3
CREB1 ISHIKAWA Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BUR MA0018.3
CREB1 HEPG2 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR000BVL MA0018.3
CREB1 HEPG2 Permissive Homo sapiens ENCSR331ORD MA0018.3
CREB1 LNCAP Permissive Homo sapiens GSE63034 MA0018.3
CREB1 LNCAP abl Permissive Homo sapiens GSE63034 MA0018.3
CREB1 LNCAP abl shctr Permissive Homo sapiens GSE63034 MA0018.3
CREB1 LNCAP abl shfoxa1 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE63034 MA0018.3
CREB1 HEPG2 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE72082 MA0018.3
CREB1 KG1 xx65023 Permissive Homo sapiens GSE74928 MA0018.3